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About the Breed

So, you think you want a dachshund?

dachshund tore up carpet
dachshund on kitchen counter

At 5 months old, Chana is​ still very much a puppy, and she gets into everything! Dachshunds can be aloof even as adults, and seem to find plenty of trouble. For some, toilet paper and tissues are a mysterious favorite.

Dachshunds love food! Consider yourself warned!

Here we have Miss Mieke, unhappy with her segregation from the other dogs, and with wearing a diaper. She tore up our bedroom carpet in protest.

While you can (and should) train your doxie  – using positive training methods – most people familiar with the breed will tell you that they’re insistent, sometimes needy, and consider themselves equal to their human family members.

dachshund puppy toilet paper
dachshund destroyed toy
dachshunds in front of heater
dachsund in blanket
dachshund in laundry

They take pride in eviscerating toys.

They are ALWAYS cold!
dachshund sleeping in bed
dachshund sleeping
dachshund sleeping

Dachshunds have no shortage of sleeping positions. Some of them snore loudly.

They're happy to sleep anywhere, particularly in bed with their humans!

dachshund sleeping
dachshunds jumping

Dachshunds love to jump! Unfortunately, this isn't great for their long bodies, so it's important that we minimize this urge as much as possible.

Don't be surprised to find your dachshund looking at herself in reflective surfaces around the house. They won't admit it, but they can be a wee bit vain.

dachshund house rules
how to be a dachshund
field guide to the dachshund

© 2019-2021 by Schnickelfritz Hounds

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