Schnickelfritz HoundsMar 13, 2019Vaccine Reaction ResourcesBelow are some sources of information on vaccine reactions in dogs. We give our puppies a dose of Children’s Benadryl prior to vaccinations.
Schnickelfritz HoundsMar 12, 2019The Lepto VaccineUnless your puppy is considered high risk for leptospirosis, we recommend against vaccinating for lepto.
Schnickelfritz HoundsMar 11, 2019A Look at Titer Testing"All animals can have serum antibody titers measured instead of receiving vaccine boosters..." Learn about titers and 3 ways to get them.
Schnickelfritz HoundsMar 10, 2019Considering "Non-Core" VaccinesMany vaccines available for pets are not considered necessary for every animal. Read about these non-core vaccines.
Schnickelfritz HoundsMar 10, 2019Vaccination SchedulesThere are two main camps when it comes to dog vaccines: the traditional vaccine schedule and Dr. Dodd’s minimal vaccine protocol.